Tuesday 6 September 2016

Bleaklow timelapse sequence

These fixed point photos, taken over the last 13 years, show the return of vegetation to Hern Clough on Bleaklow, Derbyshire - one of the sites where Moors for the Future Partnership have carried out conservation works:
2003 - the site is largely bare peat and exposed mineral soil  
2005 - after initial treatment with heather brash, lime, seed and fertilizer the grass 'nurse crop' is in evidence. Note the empty brash bags awaiting removal.

2008 - repeat treatments have allowed the nurse crop to become established, knitting the peat surface together.

2010 - the nurse grasses have almost completely covered the bare peat, and there is evidence of other plants becoming established.

2013 - the area of exposed mineral soil is noticeably reduced and there are signs of dwarf shrubs like heather growing.

2016 - the dwarf shrub coverage has increased as can be seen by this heather in flower.
Watch a video of the re-vegetation so far...

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful series of images, showing one aspect of this brilliant moorland restoration work. The upper reaches of Hern Clough are just magical to walk through. Elsewhere gulley blocking has also made a great contribution to rewetting the peat. Sadly, intensive management for shooting on National Trust land still seems likely to continue, despite the Trust announcing that it is evicting its current shooting tenant.

    Anyone who cares about habitat restoration should sign our Moorland Vision petition. It aims to encourage the Trust not to advertise for any more shooting tenants on the Hope Woodlands and Park Hall estates. Moorland restoration doesn't need it. Full details here: www.nomoorshooting.blogspot.co.uk
